ミッション / MISSION



〜By acting as a bridge between the client's business / contents and the market,

we contribute to creating a 'happy' world!〜


長谷川 謙司/代表取締役 (Kenji HASEGAWA / Managing Director) 

経営コンサルティング会社を皮切りに、ブラザー工業・三菱商事・ワイズテーブルコーポレーションにおいて、シンガポール、マレーシア、中国等、海外での経営および経営管理業務に従事。 ・直近では、シンガポールにある株式会社海外需要開拓支援機構(通称:クールジャパン機構)の出資先の飲食商業モール運営会社にて、事業立ち上げおよび経営に従事。

His career started from a business consulting company and have many experiences among many industries such as manufacturing, trading and F&B business in many countries, Singapore, Malaysia, PRC and Taiwan. He was in charge of various role like Finance, Accounting, Human Resource and Corporate Planning as a management. And He had many experiences to take a role of business development and negotiation with local companies out of Japan. His recent career was to develop a business at Japan Food Town in Singapore which was invested by Cool Japan Fund of Japanese government.

肝付 信子/プロデューサー・取締役 (Nobuko KIMOTSUKI / Producer, Director)

大手飲食事業会社をスタートとして、その後、日本経済新聞社、スワロフスキー、博報堂DYパートナーズと国内外でのマーケティングPRの経験を積んできました。 ・直近では、シンガポールにあるクールジャパン機構出資先の飲食商業モール運営会社にて、モール全体および16店舗ある飲食店をシンガポールのみならず、ASEANエリアへの告知をし売上向上に貢献する。

Her career started from a big F&B company and have many experiences in marketing & PR fields through media company, global luxury brand and advertisement agency in/out of Japan. Her latest career was in charge of planning, direction and execution of marketing, event organization, campaign at Japan Food Town in Singapore which was invested by Cool Japan Fund. She created mainly digital marketing planning for this food mall and also 16 dining outlets to promote campaigns not only for Singapore but also for South East Asia and then brought results of sales increment.

会社情報 / DETAILS

■社名 : 株式会社For Bridges

■設立 : 2018年1月15日

■本社 : 東京都渋谷区南平台町2−8日興パレス南平台アヅマ401

■電話   : 03-4405-4974

■Name      : For Bridges Co., Ltd.

■Establishment : 2018年1月15日 / 15th Jan Y2018 incorporated

■Adress     : #401, 2-8 Nanpeidai-cho, Shibuya, Tokyo 1500036 JAPAN